Trailblazers: Unlocking the Potential of Outdoor Recreation in Lancaster County
Hourglass provides local, reliable information on Lancaster County issues to ensure informed decisions and make Lancaster a better place to live and work.
Our Influence
Observation and Research
We pay attention to trends happening in our community, throughout the state, and beyond that might affect Lancaster’s future. This information is gathered through research, observation, and conversation with our partners.
Consulting Leaders and Informing the Public
Through our forums and publications, we inform the public in key Quality of Life areas. We also work with leaders in Lancaster County to empower them to make informed decisions.
Encourage Collaboration and Innovative Thinking
Complex legacy issues require coalitions of people and organizations to tackle them. We connect stakeholders and decision makers and create the space for innovative problem solving to take place.
As our County grows, we are committed to protecting what makes Lancaster special: its farms, rich culture, and historic cities, towns, and boroughs.
Lancaster County is growing. We are focused on making sure that growth continues in a socially, economically, and environmentally responsible way.
More about Hourglass
With every initiative, blog, article, podcast, or program, Hourglass is seeking to make a difference in Lancaster County. Learn more about who we are and what we do.
We welcome your help!
We need partners to support the work of Hourglass. We are committed to championing a brighter future for this County and we want you to be a part of the action.
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